Editorial Staff
30/10/23 13:42

Editorial Staff
30/10/23 13:42

Bramble applies to have electronic crime case stayed

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By Zaya Williams


Washington Bramble, a transgender social media personality facing charges for allegedly insulting Chief Health Inspector Sharon Martin online, has taken a legal step to halt the case.

Bramble submitted an application to stay the proceedings, which was officially filed as her case was set to begin in the High Court this morning.

In her application, Bramble claims she has also initiated a constitutional challenge to “have the law which the charges originated from struck out as unconstitutional.”

The Hatton resident is accused of posting a video and making insulting posts about Martin on Facebook in February, 2022.

The first post reportedly came after health inspectors visited Bramble’s residence following a neighbor’s complaint to the Central Board of Health, alleging that Bramble had thrown waste onto their property.

Bramble reportedly posted another message directed at the Chief Health Inspector the following day.

Bramble contends that Section 4 of the Electronic Crimes Act infringes on her right to freedom of speech and other constitutional rights.

Should her constitutional challenge fail, the criminal case against her will proceed as planned.


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