Editorial Staff
02/02/24 08:31

Editorial Staff
02/02/24 08:31

Public Sector workers have begun receiving their salary increases.

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By Abigayle McIntosh


January salaries for some public sector workers reflected the 9 percent increase for the overall 14 percent hike for the 2018 to 2023 period.

The increase, that the government promised is being funded by the 2 percent increase in the Antigua and Barbuda Sales Tax (ABST).

The overall 9 percent increase is costing the government of Antigua and Barbuda an additional 32 million dollars each year.

The government has stated previously that the ABST increase and the additional tax measure are aimed at boosting the fiscal accounts. Those efforts have been acknowledged by the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

In its latest consultations, the Fund’s Executive Directors welcomed the government’s efforts on revenue mobilization and expenditure restraint.

According to the assessment, important measures included limiting tax exemptions, broadening the ABST base.

1 Comment

  1. Donna

    What happened to the weekly employees within the government increase? We haven’t received our 9% increase, yet. Gaston if you had managed the country’s finances properly, the country would have been in a better position to give government employees an increase every three years or yearly. You’re a big dunce element, Gaston! God, please deliver us from the hands of Gaston Browne and his administration!


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