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Dr Cleon Arthill
By Student of Politics
This can only be interpreted as Cleon Athill’s warning to Antigua and Barbuda to steer clear of the UPP.
Her comments documented after her departure from the UPP are based entirely on her personal experiences with that organization (UPP), as a part of its leadership and come from a place of considered study and represents a deep caution to the citizens, especially the electors of our country.
When Dr. Athill says that her decision is grounded in ‘principles about democracy, people power, integrity and truth ….‘she exposes the charade and unmasks the lie that the UPP was ever concerned about anything but power. This declaration is coming from inside the belly of the UPP and leaves no room for people to wonder anymore. It could not be made any clearer.
‘Our politics is toxic and political parties exploit people’s anxieties, and fears and vulnerabilities for their benefit. The people suffer, and development is stymied.’ Again this is an unbridled reflection of the UPP coming from deep within. We saw it during the pandemic and even now during the post pandemic period. The ABLP administration did everything possible to protect the citizens and our economy. The UPP worked overtime to create an environment of fear and doubt. They even refused to participate in the creation of a national agenda geared at protecting and preserving national interests.
To this day, while the government continues to promote hope and an inclusive society, the UPP latches on to global inflationary tagline, opposes every positive measure taken for the socio-economic growth and advancement of Antigua and Barbuda.
A short list of examples would read this;
- No support for the rebirth of LIAT, a critical element in the national economic recovery plan
- Nary a word of support for the reset of the tourism sector and the recorded growth
- Nothing but criticism for efforts to diversify the country’s economy
- Irresponsible chatter over social issues like youth violence
- Not even a word of support or encouragement for the country’s hosting of major events like the upcoming SIDS conference, Cricket World Cup
- No recanting senseless, thoughtless and undermining comments about UWI Five Islands and I could go on and on. The readers know that this is a short list in support of Cleon Athill’s unbearable chafing.
It is clear that Cleon Athill has had an epiphany; that her conscience could not abide the realities of UPP and the ‘anti-democratic, power at any cost, greed, vengeful and hateful’ politics. While her Saul on Damarcus-like encounter with truth allows her confession, it is disingenuous of her to attempt to the broad-brushing approach. Doctor, go heal thyself.
Like the members of your former UPP cabal, you are not fit for the purpose of building a modern democracy, an egalitarian nation or to propel Antigua and Barbuda beyond the ‘toxic, tribal’ nation you have worked so hard to create.
Your recently discovered solution of ‘bipartisanship and support and participation of the general citizenry’ are the daily tools with which this administration has staved off your vile and unfounded attacks.
This very engaging, empowering and participatory style which you once condemned in your ‘need for power’ is projected and reflected in the daily leadership style of a representative who is easily the best community brand in local politics, Hon. E.P. Chet Greene, in St. Paul.
This was bound to happen and more will follow because we are reminded by the Bible in the Book of Psalms, Chapter 6 and Verse 10;
All (not some) my enemies will be confounded, completely (not partially) terrified; they will turn back and be suddenly put to shame.’
This is the word of God……and the people say………
I don’t know if the other party is as saintly as presented here, but it does appear to be true that the UPP often opposes just for the sake of opposing. It is their job to offer opposing viewpoints, but they should be thoughtful and realistic and helpful not just making mountains out of every molehill. They should choose their battles wisely in accordance with the will of the people not just try to smear the other side over every little thing in a quest for power. They should also focus on attracting and retaining quality candidates. Persons convicted of serious crimes should not be on their ticket. They should stop justifying that by saying the other side is corrupt. If they don’t have a good team of quality candidates, they will be unlikely to win, the other side would have too much assured power and this country will be doomed. It is important to have two good parties to choose parliamentary representatives from, I think.