Editorial Staff
16/05/24 16:42

Editorial Staff
16/05/24 16:42

Cabinet to dedicate some CIP funds to sports clubs

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Prime Minister’s Chief Lionel Hurst

Recognizing the pivotal role sports clubs play in fostering community cohesion, the Cabinet has resolved to allocate additional funding towards their establishment.

Emphasizing the importance of sports in nurturing physical discipline and deterring certain behaviour, the Cabinet aims to incentivize the formation of new clubs across various disciplines such as cricket, football, netball, basketball, baseball, and volleyball.

“Especially young males we have found have tendency to go off and to become a little antisocial so what the Cabinet is attempting to do is to create the systems that will allow these young men and young women to channel their energies into positive methods of growing into adulthood and sports has traditionally been a very important methodology in Antigua and Barbuda for creating better citizens,” Chief of Staff in the Office of the Prime Minister Lionel Hurst said.

To support this initiative, the government plans to utilize the Citizenship by Investment Programme (CIP) to finance these clubs.

However, specific details regarding funding allocation have yet to be finalized.


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