Editorial Staff
29/07/24 16:22

Editorial Staff
29/07/24 16:22

UPP says Youth Forum Executive Members did not resign from the Party

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The United Progressive Party wishes to correct recent news reports that claim four members of its Youth Forum have resigned from the Party.

According to their signed letters, the four officers have stepped down from the Forum’s Executive Committee only and have assumed regular membership.

The Leadership continues to value their membership and contributions in that capacity.

The Leadership also intends to convene a meeting with the Forum as a matter of priority to discuss all outstanding issues as, together, a forward course is charted.


  1. Faithful national

    Desperation 101. Hahaha

  2. Joyrose

    What we need to realize is that young people are big on being respected though they rarely think that they should reciprocat..
    They also want what they want now, no matter the consequences.
    But those in the executive need to introspect, listen more to the grassroots, be watchful of infiltration.
    Also remember that for every 12 persons, one is a Judas and if spiders unite they can tie up a lion.
    Get you all acts together cause though very distasteful to a minority, corruptocracy and lies are loved, active and very much appreciated by many in this place.
    So it’s an uphill battle for what is good and rightfor this country at this time.


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