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This enrollment comes after Prime Minister Gaston Browne and members of his government intervened.
ABICE is known as the leading Technical Vocational Institution in Antigua and Barbuda.
The institute aims to provide a more focused, efficient, and effective service that can serve as a stepping stone for individuals looking to further their education and training qualifications.
Prime Minister Browne has expressed his admiration for the young men and has actively worked to encourage them to leave the streets and return to school.
The government has also pledged to take steps to ensure that these individuals are able to find meaningful employment.
Additionally, PM Browne has successfully facilitated a truce between the 2Drilly and Grays Farm Killers crew.
Lovely, this will allow these young men and others coming up after them to really see that there is still hope in every little bad. This will also help them to see the involvement of society and the government in their lives
The Prime Minister has made a commendable step in helping these young man see life a different way. I hope they see that violence is never the answer and life take turns for you to ride out. Keep your heads up young men as you go out there. Let your past wash away and don’t allow anyone to judge you for them. Thank you to Prime Minister Browne for making this awesome step in these young men lives. You deserve your crown for you have earned it. #worldboss
So it took matter to go this far as a young lady loosing her life by what is believed to be gang violence for the Prime Minister and the rest clowns in his Circus to view these young men and do something good to them. Why couldn’t he done this before so this little girl could still be here. All these laws he’s passing and these things he’s doing is just to protect he and the entire ABLP slackness!! Justice for Achazea!!!!!
This hate you people have for Gaston Browne will cause you to lose your soul. So gang members getting a second change is wrong? When you come face to face with jesus christ and he asked what you did with your life you will say “Gaston Browne”. Yall better get with it and realize that Gaston is a man. Not a darn God
Whoop!Whoop! This makes my heart so glad! These young men who lost their way are now being given another opportunity to get it right. Thank you Prime Minister Browne for making it happen and while this is a good start let’s not waiver in continuing to provide opportunities for their improvement and the improvement of all similarly underprivileged.