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Misuse of Drugs (Amendment) Bill Passed in Lower House
In response to growing concerns over the use of marijuana by young people, the Lower House passed the Misuse of Drugs Amendment Bill on Monday.
Even though the government decriminalized the use of a small quantity of marijuana for medicinal and ceremonial purposes a few years ago, it seems that young people have been misinterpreting the law.
They have been seen smoking in public places without regard for the previous regulations.
The recent changes include the prohibition of smoking cannabis in public and the introduction of fines of up to EC $2000 for any breaches.
Attorney General Steadroy Benjamin emphasized that the bill’s purpose is to combat the increase in crime by increasing penalties for possession and removing the option of violation tickets.
The government aims to reinforce the seriousness of drug-related offenses and reduce the appeal and accessibility of marijuana to the youth.
Benjamin also stated that this legislation is part of the government’s efforts to combat crime and restore public safety and trust.
The authorities could start by cleaning Market Street, especially on a Friday or Sarurday night before it becomes Antigua’s Gaza Strip.. That section of Market Street between the VC Bird Bust and Tanner Street in particular is almost impassable even to vehicular traffic.
I love the steps in which the Government in Antigua and Barbuda is taking when it comes to curbing crimes. I hope this really makes a huge difference in the country! Keep up the good works ABLP
I second the comment about cleaning up the Market street area between the Vc bird bust and Tanner street. There has been an obstruction not only to pedestrians but also to drivers when commuting on this route. The constant standing of men outside the business places making noise and not staying to one side. I really feel that the Government should deal with this area asap
The Government of Antigua and Barbuda has been making a huge step when it comes to crime curbing, I hope this really helps and also keep young people protected and in their age category! This should also help parents to see that their kids are not their friends, therefore you and your child should not be feting together, smoking together or even drinking together.