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Opposition Leader Jamale Pringle
As leader of the United Progressive Party, I wish to address the recent resignation of Mr. Damani Tabor from his position as Public Relations Officer, as well as the departures of several other Party members.
First, I extend my gratitude to Mr. Tabor for his years of service to the UPP and sincerely wish him the best in his future endeavors.
It has become apparent that there is a coordinated effort by certain Party members and others to undermine the UPP’s credibility through a series of staged resignations. Mr. Tabor appears to have been drawn into this conspiracy, which aims to pressure me into resigning as Political Leader – a position to which I was duly elected at our Biennial Convention in April.
From among two candidates, I was chosen by a majority of our members. However, since then, some who did not support me have refused to work with me as Leader, taking issue with my elevation to this role.
In their efforts to remove me, some of those who have resigned seem willing to destroy our Party. Their actions raise serious questions about their true commitment to the concept of democracy – both in the Party and in the Nation of Antigua and Barbuda.
The United Progressive Party has always put people first; and my journey – from humble beginnings to becoming both Political Leader and Leader of the Opposition in Parliament – embodies the opportunities the Party can provide.
While I may not possess the unlimited wealth or higher education of some of my resigned colleagues, my record as a political representative speaks for itself: I enjoy high approval, golden representation, unquestionable integrity, and the love of my constituents who elected me to serve.
This “Little Black Boy” (as they refer to me among themselves) remains steadfast in my commitment to the people of Antigua and Barbuda, many of whom came from beginnings like mine. Therefore, I have no intention of stepping down.
I remain dedicated to leading the UPP and serving our Party and Nation with integrity and determination, demonstrating to our young people that, whatever their dreams may be, with application, they can be achieved.
Sir, you are not fit to lead the party.
Well who is fit ? Harold was there ÿou all didn’t want him .and now this same old shit again disgusting man.
Jules the man have a right to his own opinion. Ah wa ya tarl. Wà you be so? Richard should have been party leàder.
I do not think Pringle has a conscience. Pringle sits with persons on the opposition side that do not support him, waiting for his demise. He ñeeds to do the right thing.
He is fit and qualified to lead the pàrty but the party don’t want to be led by him. How unfortunate.
Well this is embarrassing
This is just sad on so many levels. It’s like trying to flog a dead horse. Even the government see his shortcomings
Why are so offended by being referred to as “the little black boy”? In many respects, you are a “little boy”, given the age group of your peers – Giselle I know is old enough to be your mother!.So that silly speech she wrote for you comes directly from her inner self! Further, this is 2024, and the days of being offended when called “black” have so long gone, Giselle should know that! Having grown up aloof and a bit removed from the ghetto in Clare Hall referred to as Bosnia, she knows only too well the derogatory use and connotation of the term “black” in reference to any person of color, long before you were born, Jamale! Again, another indicator as to the real author of that silly note you read while chiding sensible, adult, capable, accomplished, independent thinkers for making the inevitable decision to remove themselves from your backward style of leadership. Would you have felt better being referred to as the little white boy, or the little brown boy??? Nonsense!! You are BLACK, Sir, perhaps the blackest of the lot! Claim it! Be proud of it. Don’t let certain others turn you into a cry-cry sissy, just repeating and doing as you are told! Until you begin to demonstrate some measure of maturity and wisdom, you will forever be considered a little boy whose indelible characteristic is his charcoal blackness!
Please, people give the man a chance. The only person need to go is Gisele Isaac. Once she goes, you will see the real Pringle in action.
I concur, wholeheartedly!!
Single Pringle mean he nah go nowhere jack 😂. Boss nah go nowhere! Ppl want to hear realistic plans for the future
Gisele’s duty as Chair is to defend the Leader, work with the Leader , work along with the leader to guide the party in the right direction and also to see to it that the party does everything it can to be successful at the Polls.
She has carried out her duties with fairness and dignity..
Can anyone really look at this guy and see him as Prime Minister of our great country? Let us stop fooling ourselves.
I do hope Mr Jamal Pringle does not give up his position. I have never met him in person but have always admired him in parliament. Mr Pringle keep your head high and do the best you can with the help of the Almighty and do not allow anyone to dampen your sprit