Editorial Staff
05/10/24 07:14

Editorial Staff
05/10/24 07:14

Less Fortunate Youth to Be Employed on Weekend Cleanup and Beautification Project

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80 less fortunate youth from ABICE and other institutions will be employed part-time on weekends to assist in cleaning and beautifying the country, providing them with the opportunity to earn a stipend while studying.

To increase productivity, Solid Waste has made further recommendations, including employing specialized staff for landfill management and purchasing additional equipment in addition to the new garbage trucks set to arrive shortly.

National Solid Waste Management is managed by a Board whose members are selected from various government and private sector entities.

The objective is to ensure that diverse perspectives are considered in the decision-making process. Currently, 400 workers are employed by the NSWMA and are assigned specialized tasks.


Nearly 200 of them work on beautification of highways, towns, and villages, while others collect discarded bulk household items for proper disposal.

The weekly cost of labor is approximately XCD800,000, totaling 3.5 million per month. NSWMA has earned XCD55 million since January 2024.

However, the authority operates at a deficit, owing approximately 36 million dollars to contractors, which it intends to liquidate over a period of three years.

The Cabinet has agreed that no one who sits on any Board may offer services to the authority or corporation over which the Board exercises authority.


  1. Teacher for Life

    What an awesome endeavor…keep our youths busy earning money instead of God knows what. I love it.

  2. Sean

    A great idea to keep the youths busy


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