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Wilshaw extends olive branch to Barbuda Council
Project President for the Peace Love and Happiness (PLH) Project on Barbuda said he is willing to meet members of the Barbuda Council at the negotiating table to get their consensus on future projects that will be rolled out on the sister island in the coming month.
The relationship between the PLH and Barbuda Council has been contentious for some time and confrontation on other occasions.
The council has also filed several lawsuits against PLH for various developmental projects.
In a state media interview Justin Wilshaw said both sides could benefit effectively by workingtogether and sharing ideas.
“I am willing to offer my hand, our hand as PLH, to work with this council and I’m very willing to do that because here as a contributor for over 400 jobs on the island of Barbuda, Barbuda has the lowest unemployment of all the constituents in Antigua and Barbuda. So I’m here, my hand is out, if you work with me and work with us, things can happen.”
PLH has partnered with the Government of Antigua and Barbuda to finance the construction of the Barbuda International Airport, soon to be renamed the Burton Nibs International Airport.
The facility was officially opened following a ceremony on the 3rd of October.
“We’ve provided something, we understand this is phase one, that ABAA in years to come will have phase two, will accommodate even more passengers. So as we grow into this airport, it has room to expand. The apron right now and the parking space can accommodate well over 20 planes, but it has the potential to take even more.
Wilshaw said the asset is worth over 22 million US dollars. Some of the revenues to complete the first phase of the construction has come from advance lease payments made by the PLH.
Wilshaw said PLH has ensured the funding arrangement has not been burdensome on the government and Antiguans and Barbudans.
A word to the wise is sufficient. To Mr. Wiltsaw, as you extend your hand in a spirit of cooperation to those people in Barbuda, I caution you to beware. Count you fingers before you shake hands with that kind. You may extend five fingers in an attempt to cooperate with those Bckward, Pint-sized, Myopic frauds and find yourself with only one finger left!
To the over-generous, spotlight- yearning PM, I saw beware! Beware of those fawning”investors”, descendants of Willie Lynch, whose basic methodology has and will not change: Divide and Rule. Can’t say that you were not warned, both of you!
Mr. Wilshaw,
Even the Smirk on your face and the INSINCERITY of your words are Tell Tale Signs of the disregard and distaste (and dare I Say Contempt) with which you Regard the CORRECT Owners of Lands in Barbuda and Their Local Government Body — The Barbuda Council…
What do you want to say to them now? Eh…… The Prime Minister and His Cabinet done CHANGE THE LAWS OF ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA …. Done flaunt Our Highest Law — The Antigua and Barbuda Constitution Order 1981 — And even plans to Change or Make More Laws so you can BUY OUT the BIRTHRIGHT of The Inhabitants of Barbuda…… and continue to MASH UP The Place (The Island)!!!
…….. Mr. Wilshaw, you know Nothing of the History of THIS AREA OF CREATION …. Yet you have the Gaul to FENCE OFF Areas of The Barbudans’ COMMUNAL Held Inheritance ….. preventing them from traversing and using Land that for GENERATIONS both They and their Ancestors traversed …. Making their Livelihoods and enjoying their Beaches….. and CARING for Mother Earth!
Would you, Mr. Wilshaw, have fought Tooth and Nail to PREVENT the Destruction of The Land where your ancestors toiled as SLAVES and has been held in community since Emancipation of the WORST Type of Slavery ever known (CHATEL Slavery) ….if the Tables were turned the Other away Around??? …..but I dare say that the way your ancestors treated the Indigenous Peoples of the Continent of the Americas speaks for you …..
Never mind the Ideas of Barbudans to PROTECT Mother Earth in Their Quest to Provide a Fair Opportunity to ALL of God’s Creation to CO-EXIST … harmony….. Your Ancestors have taught you to —- Arrive, Claim, Plant your Flag, and TAKE …..
……. However, Mr. Wilshaw, the Greater Crime is Not yours…..
…….. You can only Think and Behave in the Ways of your Ancestors..….Only your experiences and wishes carry any weight in the Scheme of Things in THIS Life …..
…… The INJUSTICES done to the People of Barbuda and their Progeny as well as the Landscape, will haunt you and those who facilitated these actions…… Progress you all call it ….
The Elders of Our Ethnic Group have a Saying which I will Leave with You and your Facilitators of the CRIMES Against Our Brothers and Sisters in Barbuda and Their Land …. It is This: “Gad na wear pajamas”!!! ……. Only Time Will Tell ….. money isn’t everything…..
Very well said. I pray justice prevail in Barbuda…
I argee justice must prevail for Barbuda