Editorial Staff
13/10/24 21:25

Editorial Staff
13/10/24 21:25

Drivers Thrown Under the Bus for Not Paying Their Dues to Association’

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Some members of the Bus Drivers Association are not paying their dues, and the president of the association, Keithroy Black, is calling on them to pay up.

Black told reporters that some of these members have not paid their dues in a very long time.

He said they continue to benefit from the association’s efforts without making the required financial contribution, a practice that is wrong. Black noted that membership dues are just $10 per month, or $120 annually, but many drivers still refuse to pay.

Despite this, the association continues to assist members, especially those in need, including elderly and sick drivers.

“They come to us for things to be done, to go to the bank, to go for visa’s and we still assist”, he said on Observer Radio


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