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Shanendon Cartwright, the MP for St Barnabas, seized the mace in the House of Assembly and threw it from the window during a session this morning. (Photo by Dante Carrer/Tribune Staff)
The Bahamas House of Assembly has been suspended until December 11 following a serious disruption when MP Shanendon Cartwright seized the ceremonial mace and threw it out of a window.
The incident occurred during today’s parliamentary session, which had been scheduled to address multiple pieces of legislation.
Speaker Patricia Deveaux reported she feared for her life during the altercation. She stated she was assaulted and narrowly avoided being struck, crediting a glass of water in front of her for protection.
The Deputy Speaker has been hospitalized with head injuries, and a police officer was also injured in the incident.
Members of the Free National Movement (FNM) attempted to prevent officers from removing Cartwright by linking arms on the parliamentary benches.
Security personnel ultimately had to forcibly remove the protesting MPs.
The unprecedented disruption has delayed consideration of several important legislative items that were on today’s agenda.
Parliamentary authorities have yet to announce whether additional security measures will be implemented when the House reconvenes next week.
Only in Antigua our opposition sit quietly on their side
What do you want them to do.? Unmask their ignorance and dumbness by opening their mouths?? At least that much they know!
Mr was on drugs? Such rage. Hahahahahaha
they look down on Antigua this much but look at this. I don’t ever recall a incident this big happening in our lovely parliament sessions. but sometimes, when anger has to let out and you feel like you’re not being allowed to release. it’ll be the actions that speaks. and to my knowledge I grew up hearing “actions speaks louder than words”. anyway i think it’s time to sign out.