Editorial Staff
25/01/25 14:26

Editorial Staff
25/01/25 14:26

VIDEO: Confrontation Between Barbudans and Police as Land Saga Continues


  1. Observer

    This is not going to end well. Leave the people and their land alone

  2. Anonymous

    R you right,tan up.

  3. Faithful national #1

    We should NEVER give in to the barbarians. Treat them as you would any terrorists. Just do what needs to be done once and for all. I don’t know makes them feel more special than any other nationals living anywhere else in the twin island ⁰state.
    Not because codrington selected his sturdiest male and female ANTIGUAN slaves and placed them on Barbuda in the wilds to interbreed in order to produce strong and sturdy men and women for sale and other evonomic benefits to the codringtons. The experiment worked to a point. Physically the offspring of this experiment could be easily recognized – tall, strapping, sturdy men and women
    Alas, however, nobody bothered to assess the effects of this experiment on the brain functions, intellect, mentality and psyche resulting from this socio/economic experiment. Enough is enough!

  4. Luka Johnson


  5. Donna

    The Barbudans should have went back to England and asked to be separated away Antigua. Trevor Walker needs to ask the people of Barbuda if they want to be remain with Antigua. Gaston is not going to stop until he get all the Barbudans off the island so he can carry out his complete plan making the island like Jumby Bay Island for the rich only.

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