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Air Cananda Jet Makes Emergency Landing
An Air Canada plane completed a safe emergency landing at VC Bird International Airport on Thursday night, after experiencing a mid-flight mechanical problem.
The plane landed at 10:34PM and the all-clear was given at 10:48PM, bringing an end to the full emergency which had been declared for the landing. The 120 individuals on board are breathing a sigh of relief.
The Airbus 319 requested the emergency landing shortly after departing VCBIA bound for Toronto. A problem with its landing gear triggered the emergency.
The plane circled for several minutes jettisoning fuel to make it light enough to land for inspections and investigations to be carried out.
This was the second full emergency declared at the Airport on Thursday after an Amerijet cargo plane had made an emergency landing shortly before 11.
That plane was en route from Miami to St Maarten when it developed a problem with its flaps.
Blood of Jesus cover all of us. Thank God for safe landing. Lord knows we are going tru alot.
Extremely proud of my VCBIA crew.! Our cave-dwellers would not see it fit to extend congratulations to the Government and people of Antigua for placing this country in position to render services of this nature, thereby averting potential devastation and loss of life. Twice in one day!! May God continue to bless my beloved Country.
Yet another averted air catastrophe cancelled because of our reliable airport emergency teams being on standby. Bravo to the captain and crew of both aircrafts for landing them safely.
The ‘reliable’ airport teams were the cause of the emergency landing. They hit the plane with a vehicle about 30 min before takeoff
I was a passenger on that plane, were you as well?
Yes VC bird crew needs commendation. I heard the sirens. Happy happy happy everyone was safe. you were sleeping when all the action was happening. But i understand because you guys have real reporters working all day. I hope you saw what I did there.
I am seriously scared of flying right now. With all these air accidents and incidents, it’s a bit disturbing
Praise God!