Editorial Staff
26/02/25 08:25

Editorial Staff
26/02/25 08:25


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Philippe Bayard, Chairman & CEO of Sunrise Airways

​Sunrise Airways CEO, Philippe Bayard, issued the following statement today hailing recent comments made by government officials in Montserrat and Antigua & Barbuda calling for a reduction in airport taxes as a means to stimulate regional air travel:

Recent public statements by the Premier of Montserrat and the Minister of Tourism of Antigua and Barbuda advocating for reduced aviation taxes across the Caribbean should be welcomed with widespread support and enthusiasm by all who prioritize the region’s long-term economic growth and connectivity.

At Sunrise Airways, we have long maintained that lowering aviation taxes is a strategic investment that will yield substantial returns, leading to increased flight frequencies, greater passenger movement, and a strengthened regional economy.

Aviation is a key driver of economic development in the Caribbean, and a reduction in taxes will directly contribute to GDP growth across multiple industries.

This is a win-win scenario for travelers, businesses, and governments alike. We commend The Honorable Reuben Meade, Premier of Montserrat, and The Honorable Charles Fernandez, Minister of Tourism, Investment, and Economic Development for Antigua and Barbuda, for their leadership in championing this critical issue.

Their advocacy aligns with the shared vision of a more connected, prosperous, and unified Caribbean. One Caribbean moving forward.


  1. Antigua Surf

    Well Mr. Bayard, while this may sound like a great step in the right direction, how exactly will lowering taxes lead to more flight frequencies? I mean wouldn’t airlines need to offset those savings elsewhere?

  2. Rhea

    Mr. Bayard. i understand what you’re proposing but lowering travel fees and raising licensing fees won’t help Antigua People. The math just won’t math for me. are we sure that lowering taxes won’t hurt airport infrastructure or safety standards in the long run. and then a new tax would be added to our already chicken change

  3. food4thought

    Yes, lower fees for us. It’s too hard for Caricom people to be paying so muc money to travel within our very own region.

  4. Cowboy Carter

    Lowering Taxes is an asset yes, but i only see this adding more taxes to us antiguans and we already have enough money to pay

  5. Island girl

    These tickets are cheap but the taxes make them ridiculously high. I have your support

  6. Luka Johnson



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