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Shawn Mussington is on trial for the murder of his ex-partner Simone Whyte-Barrington (file photo)
The murder trial of Shawn Mussington, accused of fatally stabbing his ex-partner in November 2020, is currently ongoing in the High Court.
Mussington is accused of killing 45-year-old hairdresser Simone Whyte-Barrington at a gathering on Market Street.
So far in the jury trial, multiple witnesses described Mussington’s apparent fixation on his ex-partner. On November 6, he is said to have visited the workplace of Whyte-Barrington’s close friend, inquiring about renting space for an event for her.
When questioned about his intentions, he mentioned giving Whyte-Barrington money for her birthday that he wanted returned. Despite their separation, Mussington had also reportedly secured and paid the deposit for her work station.
A salon colleague testified that Mussington had visited Whyte-Barrington twice shortly before her death. On the first occasion, he brought her lunch which she refused. On the second visit—the day of her death—she angrily told him to leave.
Approximately 15 minutes later, Whyte-Barrington left the salon, and 20 minutes after that, the colleague received a call saying Mussington had killed her.
One party attendee described hearing screams that Whyte-Barrington was bleeding on the ground. Despite calling emergency services, she could not stop the bleeding. Whyte-Barrington’s former partner, a fire officer, recalled finding her “in a seated position on the ground, her back against the wall and her head slumped into her chest.”
Crime scene photographs showed blood on the wall and floor of the crime scene, as well as a brown-handled knife found near the victim’s body. The court also heard that no fingerprint, footprint, or blood spatter analysis was conducted at the scene.
That’s a real sad situation. Crimes of passion are never easy to deal with. Obsession is a hell of a thing cause it didn’t have to come to this
You are separated for what ever reason but you still want what he has. That’s according to what’s in this article. Modern women these days love playing these dangerous games.
Let us NOT be sidetracked!!! It is unfortunate that this young man allegedly committed this heinous act against his estranged Jamaican lover, old enough to be his mother! Fast forward to the present! STAY FOCUSED! Don’t allow agents to knock you off you crease. We demand one thing and one thing only! JUSTICE FOR CHANTAL! JUSTICE FOR CHANTAL! JUSTICE FOR CHANTAL!
“One thing only”? So we don’t demand justice for others that have been wronged? Including Chantel? This is the rhetoric that is responsible for the state of the island…PARTISAN justice. A politicized, divided, biased tinge to any and every topic. Unfortunately for you, JUSTICE is a person. Justice is an attribute of the Most High God. So when reading your comment, I’m relieved that JUSTICE is outside of your (or anyone else’s) executive control, because you would exclusively wield it like a weapon to accomplish your agenda.
“…but let the one who boasts boast about this: that they have the understanding to know me, that I am the LORD, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight,” declares the LORD.” – Jeremiah 9:24
What I don’t understand really is that these trials seem to go on for too long. Sometimes we even forget the details of the case. By the time that case finish we in another timezone.
We must improve as a society and stop these things.
He need to be lost away in jail !!