Editorial Staff
19/03/25 14:21

Editorial Staff
19/03/25 14:21

National Housing Worker Sentenced to 18 Months in Prison for Modified Flare Gun

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Officers subsequently located Jno-Baptiste on the western side of the nightclub. Although he initially denied knowledge of the illegal weapon, a search of his person revealed a knife in his right back pocket, leading to his arrest.

During court proceedings, Jno-Baptiste claimed he discovered the weapon while working in Paynters West. He told the court he had retained the modified flare gun rather than surrendering it to authorities because of past threats against his life.

The court ordered the weapon and ammunition confiscated and transferred to the police armoury.


  1. Stone

    Which goes to show that it’s not being out of work that causes people to commit crimes.. how come he never reported to the police before that his life was being threatened??

    • Unruly One

      Brother you broke the law. Even if a threat was made against you, do it the legal way. Watch how you throw away 18 months

  2. Tim

    So you are jailing a man for a modified gun, yet people with illegal real firearms are walking the streets?

  3. 9x19Rugrat


  4. Juju Bee

    Now tell me what he was doing with that. Chups


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