Editorial Staff
20/03/25 18:45

Editorial Staff
20/03/25 18:45

WATCH: “You Are Hurting Us” Hurst and Nikki Clash on Live TV

Lionel Hurst and Nikki Phoenix

The confrontation between Niki Phoenix and Lionel Hurst during the weekly Cabinet press conference is not a new occurrence, but on Thursday, tensions escalated more than usual.

In an outburst, Hurst told Niki that her actions were harming both the government and the country.

Here’s what transpired:


  1. Faithful National #1

    Why is that ugliness still enjoying our breathing space???

    • Anonymous

      Faithful National $1 DOOFUS Why are you still enjoying our breathing space?

  2. Which one?

    Lolol max or Nikki?

  3. Juju Bee

    I look forward to the weekly entertainment. Carry on

  4. 9x19Rugrat

    But what so much controversy about that?

    • Unruly One

      Lol boss say he nah answer she question lol. But she is just very combative. Every time she comes is some bs.

  5. Stone

    This whole thing is going south fast, like persons out there are trying to get famous on this little girls demise?.. what’s next.. a movie??

  6. Faithful National #,1

    @Anonymous 20/03/25
    In response to your asinine question, the answer is simple and direct. In local parlance, “Carse ah yah me barn.” That ugly witch needs to realize that our current leader is Gaston Browne, not Lester Bird. The latter, according to rumor, would have quenched your thirst a long time ago. If a man she a look, or money or fame/notoriety, this (Antigua) is the wrong harbour! Go peddle your stinking wares elsewhere!


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