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The body of a young man has been found at the former Bruce Night Club in Hatton. The man is believed to be in his late twenties.
Police and forensic officials are currently at the scene. He was pronounced dead moments ago by a medical doctor
Investigations are continuing.
Wow. People still go to that demoic brothel?
Does that place still function?
WOW. isn’t this place abandoned?? How was a body found there?? is it one of the missing persons?? Antigua.News we need answers!!!!
A young man you say, Oh NO! condolonces to the family. Could it be one of the missing persons??
Prime Minister vaccines at work here??? Since those poison vaccines they have been finding people all over. Wonder how the prime Minister sleeps
Let me tell you, you ever see the light. the man wicked all these dead bodies are due to that vaccine!! or maybe it could be one of Antigua’s demon driven criminials leaving their there. i mean isn’t that place abandoned after all, and demons mingle, worship, party and crash in abandoned places.
Very well he sleep very well he just watch his bank account and sleep
Really sad. So many young ppl dying.
Omg…. what a news this morning….
Condolences to his family…. at least his body was found so his family will hve closure.
WELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL. Early morning madness? Body found in an abandoned place? criminal on the loose!!
Its payback time the devil give you what you ask for now the devil is collecting from Antigua.
People indulge in evil and demonic activity Selling themselves for fame popularity, wealth and riches.
Condolences to the family who lost a son
Some of you all come here and talk rubbish..vacinesss? Come on! Yall ridiculous now
First of all, it is not abandoned — people live there! Secondly, enough with the vaccine rubbish!! HE WAS SHOT?!🤦
So a man was shot where there are people living and nobody heard a bang? So Antiguans move with sileners now? I see. His parents drive nice cars and look good and smell good but that is the state of their child? You know I am real and wont sugar quote nothing.
I did not know that this place is still operational