Editorial Staff
06/02/25 15:07

Editorial Staff
06/02/25 15:07

Baby Bottle Blunder: Driver’s Distraction Leads to Crash

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​A man was convicted and reprimanded for careless driving after he became distracted while trying to retrieve a baby bottle. Matthew Mitchel pleaded guilty during his appearance before acting Chief Magistrate Dexter Wason at St John’s Magistrates’ Court.

On August 25, 2023, Mitchel was driving on Friars Hill Road when he bent down to pick up his child’s bottle, causing him to collide with the vehicle ahead of him. At the time of the accident, both vehicles were traveling in a line of traffic in a northerly direction.

When law enforcement arrived at the scene around 2:30 PM, Mitchel explained that traffic had come to a standstill, leading to the crash with the car in front.

The court has ordered him to pay just over $1,200 in compensation to the female complainant by February 11, 2025, or face a 30-day prison sentence.


  1. Stone

    Case closed

  2. Ninika

    No but on a serious not why he even allowed this matter to be in court and waste time? He know he was wrong. WTH….A father should know better than to let something as trivial as a baby bottle distract him while driving. It puts not only his child’s life at risk but also everyone else on the road. It’s hard to believe that someone would be so careless—was it really worth it to take his eyes off the road for a bottle? Maybe he wanted milk….Parenthood comes with responsibilities, and this just shows a lack of judgment. He should have pulled over safely instead of endangering lives!

  3. Antigua surf

    WOW. is it difficult to put your car in park or even neutral and do yout do? Antiguan drivers just DUNCE.

  4. Island Girl

    Mr want a hard kick

  5. Observer

    He lying. Probably was on his phone. Baby bottle my rasss


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