Rev. Christopher Weekes
I write this message with a broken heart on behalf of the Church of the Nazarene Leeward/Virgin Islands District.
We were fervently praying that little Chantel Crump would be found alive and well. The breaking news of her death, received this morning, has deeply broken our hearts and has left us all with a sense of profound sadness.
As a Church body, our prayers and condolences go out to little Chantel’s family and loved ones, to her friends and to her community. Your grief, we know, is hard and real, so we are asking God to grant you all the needed grace, peace and comfort through this time of bereavement. Should you need spiritual support and counselling we are available.
The First Church of the Nazarene Grays Farm is there within your community, and we know they would be only too willing to assist you through this time. We want to assure you that we too are grieving with you.
As members of the Body of Christ, we teach that these heinous and diabolical acts of wickedness against fellow humans will not be tolerated; in fact, they must be vehemently condemned.
We pray that God would grant speedy justice to those involved and for everyone affected.
May we as a nation work to put aside the petty differences that only tend to separate us and come together, placing our faith and hope in the God of heaven; may we endeavor to work with each other to protect the vulnerable members of our society, especially our children.
We will, as we are mandated to do as Christians, continue to pray for the well-being of the people and the peace of the nation of Antigua and Barbuda.
Broken, but determined to win this fight for the peace our nation!
Rev. Christopher Weekes
Church of the Nazarene
Leeward Virgin Islands District
Why was the same outrage shown for Achazia and Jenifer?
Sad to say it, but churches in Antigua and Barbuda are largely to be blamed for the cointry’s continued slide into sinful decadence. The majority of Antiguans and Barbudans are affiliated to one church or another and even dare to call themselves “Christians”.The public knows and the churches even more that the Churches’ impact on the lives of its members, patrons, attendees is practically zero. Church going has become just a habit, a chance to socialize, show off new attire and catch up on the latest gossip while imparting, on parting “God bless you”. It’s a Ministry in which the Ministers have failed miserably. What’s more, our churches have allowed themselves to be drawn into supporting one political party or the other to the extent that their practices are not even hidden but blatantly displayed for all to see.Sadly many still cling to church rituals as a form of life insurance and pride
Churches decide to whom they would allow the benefits of a service when a “member” dies. Many of their “members” end up having to avail themselves of last rites services at Barnes or Straffie’s. No doubt they must be aware of the many fly-by-night churches popping up all over.. Has any one them raised a concern. And now they are here Churches of Satan where demonic rituals are played out right before our eyes, but they, like their blind flock, see no evil, hear no evil. And so. Satan is allowed to corrupt our minds, bodies, and souls for political gain, monetary reward, fame?? Heaven help us ALL.