Editorial Staff
17/03/25 03:32

Editorial Staff
17/03/25 03:32

VIDEO: Angela Did Not Act Alone

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Alex Martinez, the head of the Hispanic Community in Antigua said Angela Mejia, the twenty-year-old who confessed to the murder of 9-year-old Chantel Crump, did not act alone.

Martinez, who knows Mejia personally and has encountered her, said she helped carry out the heinous crime.


  1. Curious

    Agreed the police have been very quiet leaving the public to wonder give a statement this us crazy

  2. Rage

    Wow. Great job. She didn’t act alone. Who is that old man showing up with her in her photos? Well is her man

    • Unruly One

      Well that’s quite obvious that she is the fall guy! They need to. Pressure her so she could give a true confession. Because her saying that she did it is not enough

  3. Stone

    Most naturally we all would agree that she did not do this alone.. what about the male that was arrested with her. We haven’t heard anything about him? This is not over by a long shot. It’s just beginning

  4. Juju Bee

    Sounds like you just wanted your moment of fame.
    Chantel we are so sorry this has happened too you. Such a sweet soul

  5. Teacher for Life

    Once again, awey di man dey? Why is nothing being said about him? Whey di other people them who involved dey because she most certainly didn’t act alone. So shake the tree and let all di leaf dem fall off because too many people have gone missing without a trace in little Antigua and I believe it is all connected.

  6. Luka Johnson

    It’s obvious she didn’t do it alone, there are more people involved and we want the death penalty for everyone involved, hang each of them in the town, thank you.

  7. Antigua Surf

    She did not. There are people in high places who did this! She was only the one to Kidnap the child and return the body to a place to be found. I guess she didn’t think that she would be seen or something, so she thought she’d safe. They are all working for people and it’s about time we stop our little acts! Dig deep. She’s taking the wrap to not expose the criminals who are sacrificing these people.

  8. Ben Simmons

    No shit Sherlock. We know she didnt do it alone. We know she had help. We know there is a bigger ring. Question is who are the other persons involved? Mafia’s? Rich old men? People with mini boats? Arabs? We need to know

    • Find me

      Her pay check is ready! That’s all I can say.

  9. Devorn Carter

    How do we prove that Senior Sergeant Merchant is not apart of this? How do we prove that this is not the sacrifice pending the 2026 January election? Oh we just stay quiet? There are people in high places doind this. This was the virgin sacrifice on the very day of the blood moon. Come on, im sure we are all maths scholars out there. This girl was abducted and killed on the same day. They should question her more! Torture he and her boyfriend. He’s lying as well

  10. Rhea

    Well let’s begin to open our eyes! I’m sure Chantel’s eyes was surgically removed. This young lady Angela is a high school drop out! She had a chance at ABICE and again, she dropped out. She couldn’t have done this alone. There are people behind the scenes and Antigua wants answers. We have to protect our own! Gaston and them don’t care about us cause their kids are being escorted! They are not walking on road. We don’t even know what school they attend.

  11. Food4thought

    All I can say is, she messed with a child from the wrong village. Cause we are going to get our pound of flesh in return. And for the ring she’s working for, we will be catching a little flight to find out all about you. Stay calm and stay safe. We working all when, evil don’t go with evil.

  12. Talk mon

    And this is why she need to speak up! Save this from happening to some one else child.


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