Editorial Staff
12/10/24 09:21

Editorial Staff
12/10/24 09:21

UPP Leader Stands Firm Amid Party Challenges

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In a show of resilience, Hon. Jamale Pringle, Political Leader of the United Progressive Party (UPP), addressed supporters at a rally Thursday night, declaring, “I am still standing,” echoing the 1993 Elton John song. This defiant stance comes in the wake of high-profile resignations and public criticism of his leadership.

Rally Highlights

The rally, held at the Sea View Farm playing field, served multiple purposes:

  1. To demonstrate party unity in the face of recent challenges
  2. To criticize the Gaston Browne administration’s performance
  3. To address the legal challenge over former ally Anthony Smith Jr’s move to become an independent MP

Pringle, portraying himself as battle-hardened, told supporters, “I’ve battled against those who would see our united movement crushed. They’ve thrown everything at me, thinking I would break.” He emphasized his political journey from being the sole opposition MP to his current position in Parliament.

Party Initiatives

To strengthen party engagement, Pringle announced:

  • A late-night radio program starting October 14 on the party’s radio station
  • Monthly general membership meetings

He stressed, “This type of leadership that I offer is not self-leadership, but leadership of the people, for the people, by the people.”

Support from Party Officials

General Secretary Shawn Nicholas firmly dismissed rumors about her potential resignation, asserting the party’s continued growth despite recent departures. “They’re saying this is the end of the UPP,” Nicholas said, “But little do they know if they think that when they put us down, that they’re burying us, they didn’t know they were planting a seed, and that seed is coming up.”

Alister Thomas, the party’s caretaker for St John’s City West, called on supporters to defend Pringle, citing his experience as the sole UPP MP in Parliament.

Legal Challenge

Eversleigh Warner, part of the group challenging MP Anthony Smith Jr’s independent status, expressed hope that the court would support their arguments, potentially leading to a by-election in All Saints West.


The rally aimed to turn the page on recent negative news and resignations. However, only time will tell if this show of unity and defiance will effectively address the challenges facing the UPP.

Source: Observer News Co Ltd

1 Comment

  1. Faithful national #1

    Only time will tell…..I admire the young man’s tenacity and hope that he continues along HIS chosen path in life. I just strongly despise those with whom he chooses to associate himself, all of whom are jockeying for historical significance, sadly at your expense. Both you and Shawn have youth on your side and can therefore cope from the inevitable TKOs and buss-lips you will have to endure as you chase an elusive victory. Stay strong and don’t let Granny Gisele and Grandpas Thomas, Simon, Warner, and the other hangers on drain you of your youth and potential. Best wishes my proud black leader of the future. (If only wishes were horses…..)


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