Editorial Staff
23/12/24 14:28

Editorial Staff
23/12/24 14:28

UPP names George Wehner as Candidate to Contest St. Peter By-Election

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Jamale Pringle, Political Leader of the United Progressive Party (UPP), is confirming that George Wehner will represent the Party in the St. Peter By-Election slated for January 14, 2025.

Wehner has been unanimously endorsed by the St. Peter Branch, whose members applaud his demonstrated commitment to the Party and its objectives.

Wehner first represented the UPP in the 2018 General Election, when he contested the St. George seat. 

Since then, as the Party’s Mobilization Officer, he has made a name for himself nationally through his video exposes of the Gaston Browne Administration’s shortcomings and failures.

“We have every confidence in Brother Wehner,” Pringle says.  “His loyalty is unquestionable.  His work ethic is unmatched.  And his commitment to the principles of the Party is undisputed.  These are the qualities our supporters are looking for in all the Party’s representatives.”

Pringle says the UPP and the St. Peter Branch will be launching an all-out by-election campaign immediately, and he is encouraging all constituents to have their Voter ID cards revalidated at the earliest opportunity.  


  1. Stone

    You have a lot of catching up to do, my friend, the horses are already on the track. Go , Go, Go…

  2. Boss Lady

    Better late than never… very good choice tho I must say…

    • Hallelujah Amen

      All I can say is really
      UPP self destruction
      Note I vote UPP 5times out of 6

  3. Listening Post

    Really …a suggestion to opposition….have young prospective candidates Shadowing existing ones and as soon as an election is done, start preparing for the next one
    .they should have had a candidate ages ago.

  4. TRUTH

    All the best Mr. WEHNER, it’s a hard race to run. Money talk and bullshit walks. Your son future us bright… . Blessings.

  5. Trevor

    It will not be an easy win like turner believe it will be. We commmminnggg

  6. Nicka

    Foolishness. You going and run up there? Lol 😆

    • Donna

      Why you don’t run as the candidate if you don’t want him to run there? Please!

  7. Donna

    People keep commenting and claiming this person or that persons are not the right candidates or pick. If they are not the right person or persons, then why not you take up their position! When we the people says that they are not right pick, Gaston Browne says differently. Check how many of the UPP former candidates Gassy recruited on the ABLP ticket.
    No one is perfect and we all have faults and a past. Let George Wehner be and it is up to the electorates in St Peters to choose the person they want to present them in parliament.


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