Editorial Staff
06/02/23 00:38

Editorial Staff
06/02/23 00:38

CHSS school students return to school this morning

Clare Hall Secondary School

Students at the Clare Hall Secondary School are returning to the classrooms this morning, after a scare last week caused the educational institution to suspend classes for two days.

On Tuesday 31st January 2023, two armed assailants breached security at the Clare Hall Secondary School and subsequently traumatized students, teachers, and ancillary staff with a machete and a golf club.

Education officials took a unanimous decision to suspend classes in light of that incident.

The suspension according to the ministry of education was afforded to give staff time to discuss among themselves, engage parents, and develop strategies and structures to create a safer school environment.

One day following the incident, Education Minister Daryll Mathew and the Director of Education Clare Browne visited the CHSS to lend support to the school’s faculty and students.

Students and teachers requiring counseling are being catered for by the Ministry of Education.

All this comes as the government says it intends to make young troublemakers wards of the state as it seeks to address the issue of violence among young people in Antigua and Barbuda

Information Minister Melford Nicholas said if it gets to the point where these troublemakers lack adequate parenting, then the legislation will have to be put in place to “bring them under the control as wards of the state to be able to curb this incipit social development”

Inducting these young men and women into the cadet core program is also another suggestion and the recommencement of the boy’s training school was another idea.


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