Editorial Staff
08/02/23 14:48

Editorial Staff
08/02/23 14:48

WATCH: New Barbuda Minister told it’s time to heal wounds

Minister responsible for Barbuda Affairs E.P Chet Greene and MP for Barbuda Trevor Walker shares a light moment following a meeting on the Sister Isle.

The newly elected Minister of Barbuda Affairs E.P Chet Green has paid his first official visit to the Sister Isle, committing to improving the relationship between the Council and government.

The relationship between the Council and the government has not always been cordial in the past.

But Greene said his first meeting was satisfactory and the response from the Council members was equally encouraging

Salary and wages, infrastructure, financing, vocational training, and several issues were discussed

“We have come a long way as a nation, but we have more to accomplish, much more to do, as together, I believe that we can achieve the goals and the dreams of our people…We may not always agree on the vehicle, but am sure that we can agree on the destination. It’s about our country and the build-out of one state; Antigua and Barbuda,” Greene declared.

The council members present, included chairman, Mackenzie Frank, and the island constituency’s parliamentary representative, Trevor Walker,

A six-point agenda for discussion was also proposed by the Council.

Meanwhile, Councilor Devon Warner called for an end to the hostility that has existed between Barbuda’s administrators and the Antigua-based central government.

He also called for  the council to give full cooperation to the government for the benefit of Barbuda and its people



  1. Mae

    If only they had invested the millions of dollars earned from the sand mining back into Barbuda, the island would have been in a better condition to maintain itself and the inhabitants on the island. The money earned wasn’t managed properly by central government.

  2. Sharon Lycorish

    If only, if only, if only!! Indeed the people have spoken and it is what it is. Now it’s time for the Minister to discuss with all stake holders including the elected representatives of the Barbuda people in order to continue the forward movement of Barbuda our sister isle. Yes it’s time to Govern. The campaign is over.


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