Editorial Staff
12/02/23 16:09

Editorial Staff
12/02/23 16:09

New Winthrop’s Primary vandalized as teachers prepare for a possible strike Monday

The New Winthrop’s Primary School in Judges Hill has been ransacked by thieves who reportedly broke into the learning institution.

The principals and secretary’s officers were vandalized and looted.

It appears that the perpetrators were looking for valuables. The school recently held a fundraiser.

All this comes on the heels of a possible stick action by teachers on Monday amid concerns over school security and pay

In a letter addressed to the membership of the Antigua and Barbuda Union of Teachers, the President of the Union Casroy Charles said despite its engagement with the Ministry of Education over the past months, to settle longstanding contentious issues such as teachers’ upgrade, head of department honorarium and school security.

The Union says the Ministry of Education and the government by extension continue to contravene the spirit of good faith where negotiations are concerned

When the members of the membership of the union held its general meeting Thursday gone, a decision was taken to engage in industrial action tomorrow Monday, vowing to maintain this posture until their concerns are met.

They are demanding school security, teachers upgrade, head of department honorarium, and negotiations for 2018-2020

Teachers will only report to work, according to the Union, once the executive has been engaged by the government or their affiliate partners.

The government will then be given 21 days following that meeting to either rectify the issue or attain consensus on a proposed way forward.

Meanwhile, Director of Education Clare Browne told local media house Newsco Ltd that “It is unfortunate that we are here given the numerous engagements of the Ministry of Education with the Antigua and Barbuda Union of Teachers and our tenacious efforts (evident by actions already in progress, but not captured in the communication cited) to rectify the issues raised. The Ministry must continue to engage the Union and work aggressively with the other necessary governmental departments as we seek to bring swift resolution to the matters. Another urgent meeting is set for Monday morning with the Executive of the Antigua and Barbuda Union of Teachers.”


  1. Anonymous

    Oh lordy miss perly cat got pops

  2. Mae

    It is the first I ever heard that school being break into. The community around that school has always been a united force. Something is not adding up.


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