Editorial Staff
25/02/23 15:23

Editorial Staff
25/02/23 15:23

Did the police act lawfully in the Dean Jonas saga?


  1. Anonymous

    Please for give dean he look like he have a break down so sorry

  2. Anonymous

    That officer should be disciplined cause he provoked the man and assaulted him so as to embarass him.
    It is a civil matter that the court has to be the mediator not the police

    • Aisha

      I hope he’s done a paternity test to ensure that the child is actually his.😌

      • Aisha

        Anyways, sue dem I.

  3. Cynthia

    There is wrong on both sides. The police should have left the property once Dean Jonas was not willing to deal with the matter in a civil manner
    These matters are best handled in the courts where we pray good judgement would prevail. However Dean Jonas should have never said to the police I have my fire arm. Two wrongs can’t make right. Both parties in my opinion acted irresponsibly and none really cared about the child just themselves. The child should have been the focus and not grown men egos on display. This is an unfortunate event.

    While the police investigate Dean Jonas matter please remember to investigate Mr Daniel, the farmer from Potters case also .

  4. Anonymous

    The police was wrong they should approach him better


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