Tianzhao “Alex” Feng, the man who pleaded guilty to burning down his former workplace; the XPZ Supermarket, has been sentenced to just a little over one year in prison.
Feng was sentenced for one count of arson in the High Court this morning. He has been on remand since June 2021
Justice Ann-Marie Smith took into account his guilty plea and other mitigating factors including the time that he spent on remand, which was also removed from his sentence
Feng was arrested and charged a few days after the building went up in flames in the early hours of June 1, 2021, as he was said to be unaccounted for immediately afterward.
He made his first appearance in the St John’s Magistrate’s Court later that month and was denied bail because he presented a flight risk.
He has been remanded to His Majesty’s Prison ever since. Wendel Robinson represented him.