Parliamentary Representative for Barbuda Trevor Walker
The Barbuda Peoples Movement swept yesterday’s general council elections, defeating the Antigua and Barbuda Labour Party, in addition to two independent candidates in the race.
When the final votes were counted, the four candidates representing the incumbent party all secured a much higher count than their opponents
According to final counts, John Mussington received 433, Devon Warner 438 votes, Fitzroy Warner 395, and Sharima Deazle 417.
And for the ABLP, Zaria Nedd finished with 193 votes, Bentham Lewis had 193 votes, Mackeisha Desouza 222, and Orlando Morris with 220.
Trevor Walker had predicted a victory for the BPM and echoed that sentiment when he spoke on the radio on Thursday morning.
He said the victory is a clear indication that the people of the Sister-Isle continue to reject the Gaston Browne administration in every way possible.
Walker also praised his team on a job well done.
“We are humbled. I said we are going to take all these seats and it happened. I had no fear whatsoever that the people would go out and vote for the BPM…It is a rejection of the ideology of the ABLP and this ought to be taken seriously. Having been rejected since 2018 every single time signals the need for some introspection to be done by the ABLP,” Walker added.
He said the win over the years means that the Barbudans; or the majority of them want nothing to do with the ABLP.
“Tell the Gaston Browne government to leave us alone. They are pushing all sorts of different things onto the Barbudans, the land, and all kinds of stuff. Nothing should be pushed down your throat…” he added
According to Walker, the ABLP need to say to themselves once and for all that the majority of Barbudans are not accepting “what they want to push down their throats and there should be a reset where that is concerned”.
Meanwhile, Walker is not optimistic that the relationship between the central government and the Barbuda council will become less contentious anytime soon.