Editorial Staff
30/03/23 07:57

Editorial Staff
30/03/23 07:57

Gov’t willing to provide 32% severance to former LIAT workers

The Antigua government may provide 32% severance liability to former LIAT (1974 Ltd) staff who have been lamenting their severance.

The decision which was disclosed in Thursday morning Cabinet notes said the decision is in an effort to settle its moral obligation to the former workers

“The Government of Antigua and Barbuda owned a 32% share in LIAT (1974 Ltd) and cannot reasonably be expected to bear a bigger share of the burden than it may be legally required to contribute, had the airline owned assets sufficient to meet its debts obligations”, Hurst said

It is estimated it will cost about ECD10 million.

It is not quite clear how the Antigua and Barbuda Workers Union will respond to the latest decision.

The ABWU has been trying without much success to sit with Prime Minister Gaston Browne to discuss the matter

Browne said the ABWU continues to play politics with the LIAT matter and he wasn’t willing to discuss any 100% severance pay for the ex-LIAT workers since the expectation is unreasonable.

The Antigua and Barbuda Labour Party had offered a 50% compassionate payment offer which only a handful of workers accepted.

Browne eventually closed the door on the negotiations saying that he could contact these workers directly.

The ABWU in turn told Browne that he doesn’t get to close the door on the negotiations.


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