Press Statement
The Police Administration is reminding members of the general public that in accordance with Section 32 of the Licensing (Intoxicating Liquor) (Amendment) Act, No. 9 of 2014, of the Laws of Antigua and Barbuda, NO Alcohol must be sold on Good Friday, April 7, 2023.
It, therefore means that the owners and operators of Bars, Supermarkets, Shops, and other places that were granted licenses for the sale of alcoholic beverages must desist from engaging in the sale of alcohol starting from the period of midnight Thursday 6 April, through the entire day of Good Friday.
The Commissioner of Police is appealing to the owners and operators of these establishments to conform with the regulations as set out under the law.
Failure to comply may result in the revocation of licenses and other legal actions taken against the owners and operators.
The full cooperation of the general public is expected going forward.
Chupse! What is the rational? Hypocrisy at its highest! The celebration of Good Friday and Easter Monday etc are pagan-based.
Give me a break.
I concur with you. Too much control too much power. Why can’t you buy your alcohol and imbibed it in your home on “so called Good Friday” but you can on Christmas Day. HYPOCRISY IN THE FIRST DEGREE.
Don’t SELL .
DUTY Free.
Drink on FRIDAY
Pay Later..
By the Way
Is PROMISE to PAY sale,/ Grant / Credit
Alcohol is Habit forming
Hence Withdrawal for a DAY EMS