Editorial Staff
06/04/23 00:09

Editorial Staff
06/04/23 00:09

Captain who helped rescue 16 African migrants is raising money to help them

Thomas Auckland, the Captain of the luxury vessel Genevieve

Thomas Auckland, the Captain of the luxury vessel Genevieve, which was involved in last week’s rescue of 14 Cameroonians and 2 Antiguans has started a JustGiving page to help raise funds for the African migrants stranded on the twin island nation.

Auckland and his crew started the page with the hopes of providing the West Africans with basic housing, sanitation, food, and water.

In the early hours of the 28th March, 14 Cameroonian and 2 Antiguan nationals were rescued at sea, 16 nautical miles North of the Caribbean Island of St Kitts.

They were saved from a capsized vessel, dangerously overcrowded, without even the most basic sea survival equipment on board.

The capsized vessel had set off on a 200-mile journey from Antigua heading for a US territory, with 32 passengers onboard. About 15 Cameroonians perished on that journey.

The page, according to Auckland has a target of £15,000 – around US$18,700 – with £2,350 already raised as of yesterday.

“Now is the time we can all play a part in ensuring their lives in Antigua are safe. That despite having only the clothes on their backs, they are provided the right to basic sanitation, housing, food, and water. They do not need to live in fear anymore, together we can help them,” the JustGiving text reads.

Persons interested in donating can do so on: https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/helpingcamerooniansinantigua


  1. Kenrick Mitchell

    Bless your heart, Captain. This is very good of you. May God continue to bless you.

  2. Rudolph Jonas

    God Bless you Son

    • Yimnai

      God bless you sir

  3. Teacher for life

    God bless this man for not only rescueing the Africans at sea, but for also seeing about their welfare on land. We Antiguans need to be so encouraged.

  4. Anonymous

    God bless you for your wonderful gesture

  5. Joyce

    God will continue to bless you sir


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