Cuba’s new ambassador to Antigua and Barbuda, Sergio Pastrana
The Republic of Cuba; one of Antigua and Barbuda’s closest bilateral partners, is considering providing more scholarships to women in the twin island state to pursue careers in male-dominated fields.
Cuba’s new ambassador to Antigua and Barbuda, Sergio Pastrana, told State Media that the increase in scholarships could begin as soon as next year
He says these areas, include engineering and agronomy and the women could have access to these scholarships by next year
“One thing that we’ve been considering is the possibility to have more scholarships for girls. In those areas in which traditionally men have been predominant. And this is something that we will try to strengthen. We should start by next year. We’re already over the first quarter of the year,” he said
Meanwhile, Ambassador Pastrana said he also expects closer collaboration with the University of the West Indies five islands campus.
“The relations between both our countries have been excellent, and I must say that I ratified to the government and the representatives of the Antiguan and Barbudan society that I’ve met so far, that our commitment is to really maintain this level of cooperation and strengthen and even increase it wherever possible”
Before his appointment in Antigua and Barbuda, served as Cuba’s ambassador to Barbados.