Editorial Staff
30/05/24 19:15

Editorial Staff
30/05/24 19:15

The Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Gains Momentum at SIDS4 Reception

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The Fossil Fuel Treaty Initiative hosted a reception at Weatherills Estate on Wednesday, bringing together attendees from the Small Island Developing States Conference (SIDS4), to celebrate the growing global support for a binding treaty to end the expansion of fossil fuels.

The event highlighted the critical role of global leaders who have endorsed the document, in building momentum for a global phase-out of oil, gas, and coal.

To honour their commitment, the following leaders received a print- out of an original painting by Antiguan artist Emile Hill:
– Prime Minister Feleti Teo of Tuvalu
– Minister Maina Talia of Tuvalu
– Minister Kalani Kaneko of the Republic of Marshall Islands
– Minister Sir Molwyn Joseph of Antigua
– Minister Sakiasi Ditoka of Fiji
– Minister Ralph Regenvanu of Vanuatu

Two of the prints will be shipped to ministers who were unable to attend the event.

The paintings depict the concept of nations uplifting one another, emphasizing the importance of international cooperation in addressing the climate crisis.


The reception also featured a powerful performance by Pacific artists, linked to the “This Is Our Home project, a Fossil Fuel Treaty initiative that raises awareness about the Pacific climate crisis through storytelling.

The performance underscored the shared struggles and the urgent
need for a cleaner future, particularly for Small Island Developing States that are most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change.

The Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty, inspired by the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, aims to end the expansion of fossil fuels and manage a global phase-out of coal, oil, and gas.

The growing support for the treaty reflects the increasing recognition of the need for a just transition to renewable energy sources to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement and protect vulnerable communities.

The SIDS4 reception served as a powerful reminder of the global solidarity and shared commitment to a sustainable future for all nations, especially those on the frontlines of the climate crisis.

For more information about the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty, please visit https://fossilfueltreaty.org/.


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