Editorial Staff
04/10/24 09:50

Editorial Staff
04/10/24 09:50

Man admits to beating another over chicken and chips

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A disagreement over a portion size has resulted in legal consequences for a St. Johnston’s Village resident.

Junior Vigo found himself before Magistrate Conliffe Clarke in St. John’s Magistrates’ Court after an altercation that began with a complaint about his serving of chicken and chips.

According to reports, Vigo approached the complainant, who was holding a container of chicken and chips, and asked for some. Although the complainant hesitated, he eventually shared the food with Vigo.

However, Vigo was not satisfied and confronted the man, leading to an argument. During the altercation, Vigo armed himself with a piece of 2×4 wood and began to strike the complainant, causing damage to the man’s Honda Integra smart car key, which was valued at $1,450.


This resulted in three separate charges: threatening language, malicious damage, and battery.

Vigo, who admitted to all charges, faced substantial financial penalties for his actions.

For the threatening language charge, Vigo received a reprimand and discharge. However, the more serious aspects of the incident carried heavier penalties. The malicious damage charge resulted in a $2,500 compensation order, with a six-month prison term as the alternative if unpaid.

The battery charge added another $1,000 to Vigo’s obligations, backed by a potential five-month prison sentence if not paid within 30 days.

Showing some leniency, the magistrate ordered the sentences to run concurrently, though the total compensation of $3,500 still stands as a costly reminder of the incident.


  1. Teacher for Life

    A hungry he min hungry so? Imagine how much chicken and chips he could have bought with $3,500.

  2. Anonymous

    All this over a plate of food??


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