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Air Quality Alert Issued as Saharan Dust Surge Hits
The air quality has fallen further to unhealthy levels for sensitive groups, due to particulate matters 2.5 and 10, associated with the fifth notable surge in Saharan Dust. The health risk is medium, mainly sensitive groups should be prepared for some health impacts. Sensitive
groups include asthmatics and people with other respiratory issues, allergies, cardiovascular problems and eye and skin irritations.
People with respiratory or heart disease, the elderly and children are the
groups most at risk. The health implications are increasing likelihood of respiratory symptoms in sensitive individuals, aggravation of heart or lung disease and premature mortality in persons with cardiopulmonary
disease and the elderly.
Everyone should exercise caution, especially sensitive groups such as active children and adults, and people with heart or respiratory disease, such as asthma, should limit time outdoors and restrict outdoor activity. Also, keep windows and doors closed, as much as possible, and wear
a face mask, rated to filter out PM 2.5, when going outside.
It has been very hard to breath normally for the past few weeks