Editorial Staff
02/12/24 13:21

Editorial Staff
02/12/24 13:21


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Police are questioning a bar owner in connection with certain suspicious activities allegedly taking place at the business establishment.

Around 5 pm on Sunday, December 1, Police and Immigration Officers searched a property at St. Georges Street and found 17 fowls, along with other items and paraphernalia, suspected to be used for cockfighting. A total of 52 people, including 5 females, 42 males, and 5 juveniles, between ages 10 and 16 were taken into custody.

The bar owner and four others remain in police custody, while three persons were detained by immigration. The remaining persons were released pending further investigations, including the juveniles who were released in the care of their parents.

Cockfighting is a blood sport involving the use of domestic fowl, which is illegal in Antigua and Barbuda.

Anyone involved in such activity is committing an offence under the Protection of Animals Act, Cap 349 of the Laws of Antigua and Barbuda. Members of the public are warned to desist from these illegal practices and to report such inhumane behaviour to the police without delay.


  1. Alexandria

    Antigua not too civilized to still be getting into these barbaric treatments of animals? If this is how they treat animals, no wonder they treat the people like such shit

    • Anonymous

      Correction my friend here they oftentimes treat s.h.i.t. alot better than they treat people..for example housing humans in 1735..

    • Anonymous

      Cock fighting is not an antiguan sport of entertainment, this is more of an spanish entertainment and gambling event in their culture. And antigua is much more civilized than alot of these serounding countries..

  2. Joke town Antigua.

    All you clowns thinking Antigua is so above other countries need a slap.

  3. Yanick

    Wow, I can’t believe they found that many people involved in cockfighting. It’s really concerning that activities like this are still happening, especially when they’re illegal and harmful to animals. I wonder how the bar owner is involved in all of this and what will happen next. It’s good to see that the authorities are taking action, but it’s frustrating to think about how often these things go unnoticed. Hopefully, the community steps up and reports any suspicious activities to prevent it from happening again.

  4. Faithful national #1

    Dear “Joke town Antigua”, chief clown, you don’t need a slap. We are kinder than that especially to the refugees like yourself who have taken up residence here. All you need is an immediate deportation order. We need to purge our much loved, small-island country of ” human” pollutants that we allow to settle here. Get out!
    As for Senora Alexandria where is your commonsense?. A cockfighting ring has been exposed. The authorities quickly jump into action, bringing an end to this illegal, foreign activity. Yet the first thing to come out of your refugee mouth is a nonsensical attack on Antiguans criticizing us and as being “not too civilized” for cracking down on this uncivilized activity!!
    Come on, Mr. PM, time to follow the Trump lead. We need to put a cap on immigration from certain places. Just listen to their intellectual sparseness. In a very short time, they will dumb down the entire intellectual capacity of real Antiguans and become the mouthpiece of all of Antigua🥺 Get them to hell out before it is too late! Antigua has indeed changed, but not for the reasons you think!
    I’m sooo fed-up.

  5. Joke town Antigua.

    Hey donkey butt Faithful National, I’m from Antigua and it’s still a joke. You’ve just proved my point that Antiguan people are DONKEY BUTTS and your the main one.

  6. Sue James

    But killing those 17 fowls instead of getting them go was not more cruel, thatn what they where going.


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