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Hermena Winifred Goodwin surrounded by well-wishers and dignitaries at her centenarian celebration ceremony
Residents of Jonas Road gathered to celebrate a truly remarkable individual: Hermena Winifred Goodwin, who, at 104, is recognized as the nation’s oldest centenarian.
The event, organized by the Community Development and Citizens Engagement Division in partnership with the office of the Governor General, was a heartfelt tribute to Goodwin’s incredible life and her significant contributions to Antigua and Barbuda.
Goodwin, born on December 28, 1920, on the historic Betty’s Hope Estate, symbolizes resilience and dedication. Although her official birth date is noted as January 10, 1921, due to the registration norms of her time, she has always joyfully acknowledged her December birthday.
Her journey began with her walking long distances to learn sewing in St. John’s, eventually becoming an esteemed seamstress known for crafting exquisite wedding gowns and Carnival Queen costumes.
Goodwin’s influence extends beyond sewing; her commitment to her children’s education was pivotal in strengthening her community and fostering a spirit of nation-building.
The ceremony was further enhanced by the presence of dignitaries, including Governor General Sir Rodney Williams and Lady Sandra Williams, Junior Minister of Health, Wellness, and Social Transformation Senator Michael Joseph, and Permanent Secretary Mr. Colin O’Keiffe, who all joined in celebrating this extraordinary woman.
She’s beautiful 😍 and I wish I could wear one of her wedding gowns as I’m sure they were gorgeous!