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PM Browne, Ambassador Nyhus and Company
On Wednesday, January 15, U.S. Ambassador to Antigua and Barbuda, Roger Nyhus, and the Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda, Hon. Gaston Browne, initialled an Open Skies Agreement at the Office of the Prime Minister.
This landmark agreement further strengthens the aviation relationship between the United States and Antigua and Barbuda, fostering greater opportunities for air travel and economic cooperation between the two nations.
The U.S. Department of Transportation has described the U.S. Open Skies policy as “the global gold standard in international aviation liberalization.”
The agreement allows for greater flexibility in air services between the U.S. and Antigua and Barbuda, enhancing options for both airlines and passengers, and improving connectivity for both tourism and commerce.
“Today’s agreement reflects the spirit of this collaborative work, and I am incredibly proud of what we’ve accomplished together,” Ambassador Nyhus stated. “By removing unnecessary restrictions on international air transportation, this agreement empowers airlines to make decisions driven by market forces.”
Prime Minister Hon. Gaston Browne emphasized the importance of the agreement for Antigua and Barbuda’s economy and said he looks forward to the continued development of the relationship with the United States and the opportunities this agreement will unlock for the Antigua and Barbuda.
The Open Skies Agreement is expected to facilitate more frequent and affordable flights between Antigua and Barbuda and U.S. cities, contributing to the continued growth of the region’s tourism industry and greater connectivity for travelers and businesses alike.
I’m sure Mr Eugene Silcott had something to do with that. Me aself looking to benefit from those cheap flights