Editorial Staff
24/01/25 07:17

Editorial Staff
24/01/25 07:17

BREAKING: Jamaican National Chinlee Robinson Has Died in Prison

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Antigua.news has received information regarding a tragic incident at His Majesty’s Prison, where a prisoner has been found dead.

The individual, a young man of Jamaican nationality named Chinlee Robinson, was on remand for the theft of a cell phone.

Reports indicate that he appeared before the court yesterday for a hearing related to his remand.

It was anticipated that he would be granted bail; however, complications arose when it was discovered that his passport could not be located.

This morning, prison staff discovered the young man unresponsive on his bed.

Superintendent of Prison, Colonel Trevor Pennyfeather, confirmed to Antigua.news that he has died.

The circumstances surrounding this unfortunate event are still under investigation.


  1. Sanjay

    Jah jah youth

  2. Island Girl

    Just so? We need to investigate. Died in his sleep? Or something else? Besides are we serious? In prison for stealing a cellphone? Come on!

  3. Antigua Surf

    This hit hard that i have a million words to say. people are walking out here after crimes that hit hard! Like a police officer who got a young girl pregnant, paid the mother and still has his job and everything. but here it is that a Jamaican National is in prison for a phone thats only worth a couple hundred bucks. then neverless, the thorough investigation needed won’t matter when all they will do is lie just to cover up the craziness that goes in behind those red gates. Yeah you can be running yasco ten times in 30mins and look fine, finish and still look fine, then you die in your sleep. but this is different, furthermore his passport was lost and all of that, what did they do to this young man? is it because he’s Jamaican cause ii heard yall don’t like them. Antigua.News, don’t do us this, fill us in on the information they are hiding. WHAT DID THEY DO TO THIS YOUNG MAN?

  4. Antigua Surf

    Any way, Condolences to his family and friends. I also send my condolences to Jamaica

  5. Antiguans are murderers.

    Some racist Antiguan prisoner must have killed him? We all know antiguans don’t like Jamaican people.

    • Donna

      After Antiguans have open their arms wide and allow so much Jamaicans and other nationalities into their country, you are claiming that the native Antiguans don’t love Jamaicans. Check all the other Caribbean islands and tell me which islands that welcome Jamaican nationals to their borders to live and work. Antigua has the highest Jamaicans national that are in high government jobs over qualified natives Antiguans. Before saying that Antiguans doesn’t love Jamaicans recheck your facts and do a proper research. Antiguans are loving people not murderers.

      • Born Antigua.

        Thank you Donna.

      • Sophia

        Why you guys as a Jamaican saying this unu ever go to auntiga yet before unu talk auntiga do love Jamaican is only thing that Jamaicans carry them style goes everywhere not everyone does it okso unu stop it please

    • Born Antiguan.

      Whoever you are, you’re wrong for this, retract your statement. Also I am disappointed in you and the administrator(s) to allow this to pass. ANTIGUANS are not murderers but it’s obvious where your from. Many Antiguan brothers and sisters see Jamaicans as family, yes all may not share the same views and care for the Jamaican culture but there are more good than bad. However at the end of the day SOME Jamaicans do leave a bad taste and numbers don’t lie. I myself has fallen victim of incidents involving Jamaicans and still I stand with many of you as friends. It is known, many not all only flock here as an escape to get the passport to then further go to larger territories. There are many more that can be said but just Google it. How Jamaicans are famous for scamming, drugs and the same killing of their own brothers, the number of murders daily ?? (which Antigua doesn’t have). Some of these killings that you hear of are not even Antiguans doing. How many Jamaicans I hear say they don’t like and worst HATE Antiguans, yet they built a life here which is 10 x better than where they were.Pls Stop it. I don’t know what really happen and it’s not right if he was done wrong and genuinely send my Condolences to the family. But we need to stop with the Caribbean fight against each other and Unite. WE need to stand strong together and see that it is the larger countries who are the ones fighting to keep Islanders out of their borders. ANTIGUANS are Not MURDERERS.

      • Stone

        The straight up facts are this young man weather we like him or not died in our so called jail we need to find out why and move on from there..As to us being murderers , this was a peaceful loving country until you came along

    • Deception.

      Dear Antiguans are murderers….Check breaking news again, News of another Jamaican and you want to be mad and the ppl and them of the country..? How many articles about Jamaicans involved in something is it going to take for the Same Antiguans/ Residence to love them….Read between the lines ..

  6. Juju Bee

    Wowww this is indeed sad. Lord cover us with your blood. Here today gone tomorrow

  7. Cheyannne

    It has been brought to my greatest concerns. Why are Jamaicans living in Antigua just dropping like flies lately? Since the year 2025 begun they just finding Jamaicans dead like everyday. From sidewalks, to cars, prison, to who knows where next. I can’t even blame the commenters for saying that Antiguans are murderers. Cause what is happening to these Jamaicans living on Antigua soils?

    • Garry

      The cleansing.

    • Apex Jones

      Theres no conspiracy going on here…..When its your time its your time

  8. Stone

    It’s the water from the pipes


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