Editorial Staff
27/01/25 06:50

Editorial Staff
27/01/25 06:50

Transport Licensing Fees could be increase to secure funding for major road works

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The government will be tapping into a new funding scheme to assist in bank rolling the coast associated with road construction in Antigua and Barbuda.

Prime Minister Gaston Browne said talks are underway with a financial institution to raise between $50 to $100 million.

Government is also considering increasing the Transport Licensing Fees, monies raised through this will be used to borrow between $50 to $$100 m to offset am ambitious road development plan.

“I can’t see anybody making an issue about probably paying an extra $100 on your vehicle licenses to get better roads, because you will get better roads,” Browne said.

He adds that the alternative is fixing the roads incrementally which he believes will take some time.

“All those contractors who may be a bit idle, we can put all of them to work and just really nice up the place.

While addressing potential concerns about the fee increase, the Prime Minister reassured citizens that the additional revenue would be exclusively allocated to improving the nation’s infrastructure.

He presented the proposal as a vital measure to address the needs of a growing population and to enhance the overall quality of life for all residents.

This announcement is part of the government’s larger strategy to tackle pressing infrastructure challenges, including significant investments in water supply systems, renewable energy, and housing development.

Browne emphasized the significance of these initiatives, describing his administration as “transformative” and fully dedicated to empowering the people of Antigua and Barbuda.


  1. Anonymous

    I agree our roads are the worst in the Caribbean , buying Tyers is like buying groceries every week something needs to be done with them roads , we can’t want everthing for free

  2. Stone

    But we have already paid and are still paying to have the roads fixed. We have out standing road loans that we are paying for and we haven’t got the roads yet. You go borrow more money still that we going have to pay back plus increase license fees ..wa really happen to you .. like you riding for a fall..

  3. Juju Bee

    So the $670 I just paid is for what? To pay Transport Board staff salary?
    Its already high as it is so you really think paying more will fix the problem.
    So is drivers that paying for road works now? What happen to the budget

  4. Publig

    The prime minister gets rich from road repair. He knows how to do that.

  5. Gaston need to stop ✋️

    This is just bullshit all that money he had for road repair in the past gone in his pocket now h want the people of antigua pay for roads that’s just crazy..antigua people need to wake up cause he taking advantage of us just to pocket more 💯


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