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Dr. Nicola Bird
Many times, victims of abusive relationships choose not to leave based on the fact they are not financially sound, have no family support, or have the means to leave.
However, the Integrated Health Organization is hoping to change that dynamic in Antigua and Barbuda with the construction of a shelter.
Integrated Health Organization (IHO) is a non-profit organization that focuses on several health factors plaguing the island including gender-based violence.
It was established in 2017.
The director of IHO Dr Nicola Bird gave an update on state media about the project.
“We are trying to really move forward. We are working with the DOGA (Department of Gender Affairs), working with the government, and working independently so that we can really move this along. We already have a commitment and have leased land. We have been putting together some proposals with the help of DOGA and we are planning sustainable models so that it can be self-sufficient and self-reliant.
“We are going to be talking about this more. We are in the stages of moving it forward,” Dr. Bird explained.
The goal of the shelter would be to provide a safe space for abused women who have nowhere to go when trying to start a new life.
“The goal is to provide all of the essential services, not just housing but to be able to get these survivors back on their feet.
This is not the first time that a non-profit has shared their desire to construct a facility.
Back in 2022, the Community Charitable Ministry (CCM), which was established in December 2008made a public appeal for donations to build a community outreach centre and transitional home.
There was no further developments following that appeal.
Definitely we really need this. It seems as if we have a culture here in Antigua that abusing females on the whole is an acceptable norm, just a part of life. This is wrong and it’s high time there be a place provided for these battered and abused women and girls to go to get away from their abusers and receive counseling, some where safe.