Editorial Staff
09/02/23 07:10

Editorial Staff
09/02/23 07:10

Yachting industry pioneer Franklin Brathwaite awarded

On Tuesday, Governor General Sir Rodney Williams conferred the honor of Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (MBE) to the President of the Antigua and Barbuda Yachting and Marine Association (ABYMA) Franklin Brathwaite

He received honors for his work in community development and several other areas of economic development.

“You have quietly but most certainly made a positive difference in the lives of many persons in the St Paul’s constituency and the nation of Antigua and Barbuda as a whole,” Sir Rondey said at a ceremony, saying that Brathwaite was a model citizen.

“It requires a special commitment to do what you have done and this is precisely the reason that her late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II readily agreed to the nomination which the Honourable Prime Minister and myself made on your behalf,” Sir Rodney added.

Brathwaite has been an active member of the yachting industry since 1976. He was also a founding member of the Antigua and Barbuda Marine Association in 1993.

Braithwaite from Falmouth was also the founder of A&F Sails.


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