Editorial Staff
28/03/23 05:54

Editorial Staff
28/03/23 05:54

Police pursuing man who damaged child mother’s appliances

Police are searching for Camu Phillip of Point who allegedly stormed into the home of his child’s mother and destroyed her appliances

According to reports, Amoy Dover of Jennings Village called the Bolans Police Station and reported her child’s father Phillip damaged the washing machine, television cords, and her radio.

According to reports, Dover and Phillip got into a heated argument, following which Phillip threw down her QFX radio which was on a stand in the living room, then used force and burst the cords of her Ruku Television and Daewoo washing machine.

A search was carried out for the alleged offender without success.


  1. Anonymous

    Trouble in de camp

  2. Mae

    This domestic violence needs to stop. People need to act like grown adults and know when to walk away from any heated or non-heated argument. I am speaking about both male and female.


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