Editorial Staff
19/06/23 20:21

Editorial Staff
19/06/23 20:21

Video: Second Suspect Who Defrauded Senator Rawdon Turner Arrested Today

Camera footage shows the second suspect who allegedly defrauded the offices of Senator Rawdon Turner recently, walking in to collect his cash. He was arrested by police today.

The young man was allegedly working along with Michelle King; a young woman who was arrested and charged for allegedly defrauding a company owned by Senator Rawdon Turner, of over $1300 cash

King was charged with obtaining money under false pretense. The prosecution did not object to bail.

Turner told Antigua.news that the woman called the company located at Utility Drive Cassada Gardens and impersonated Barbudan Nuffield Nedd, one of his suppliers.

“She called the business, pretending to be a worker of one of our suppliers; Mr. Nedd, and asked if we could assist with some cellphone top-ups for some foreign workers in Barbuda. She also requested cash to pay for some mechanical work until her boss [Nedd] returns from overseas”, Turner said last week

But it turned out that Nedd wasn’t abroad and knew nothing about that request

The young woman in question was allegedly buying the top-up for some prisoners, one of them is believed to be her boyfriend, according to Turner

Turner is commending the police for what he said was swift action.


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