Editorial Staff
06/09/24 09:00

Editorial Staff
06/09/24 09:00

Elderly Jamaican man deported for entering Antigua illegally

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Elderly Jamaican man deported for entering Antigua illegally

By Zaya Williams

Sixty-two-year-old Corrol Lee Gayle from Jamaica has been deported from Antigua after he entered the country illegally

Gayle arrived on the island on August 18 by boat but disembarked without authorization from an immigration officer.

He faced charges for unlawful entry, entering through an undesignated port, and failing to report to immigration authorities immediately.

Additionally, Gayle overstayed his immigration permit, which expired in December 2018

On Wednesday, Gayle admitted to the charges.

Although he was reprimanded and discharged, immigration authorities requested his deportation.

He was held overnight at the immigration detention facility and was deported from Antigua the following day.


  1. Faithful national

    Why was this yardie allowed ti remain in this country illegally for over six years! On the one hand I read that he failed to report to immigration officials upon his illegal entry. Then I read that his immigration permit expired in December 2018. A formal investigation is warranted! Root out corruption wherever it is found!!!

  2. Donna

    How can he granted immigration permits, to say it was expired, when he has enter the country illegally? What kind of immigration system are we running in Antigua and Barbuda? I am sure it’s not the first time people from other countries, especially from other other Caribbean islands enter our country illegally on sail boats/boats. It could also be that is how the guns are entering into the country, too.

  3. MaryJor

    Are we sure that these people are actually being deported? I have never saw any news articles with pictures of any illegal immigrant being put on a plane—never once I can recall.

  4. Martin

    Wait, if he entered illegally and failed to report to immigration authorities, how did he over stay his immigration permit from approximately 6yrs ago if my math is correct? It appears to me that the immigration system needs to answer some questions!! He has been here “illegally” for quite some time!!

  5. Mrs. Hughes

    Maybe the immigration system needs to do some uprooting n lifting up! Not only the immigration system but also the police force! The medical association! Yeah


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