Editorial Staff
12/01/25 09:37

Editorial Staff
12/01/25 09:37

VIDEO: PM Browne Talks Down Wehner’s Claims of Honorable Send-Off at Defense Force

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Prime Minister Gaston Browne says George Wehner, the former head of the Defense Force, received an honorable send-off because of his [PM Browne’s] benevolence.

Wehner is challenging the ABLP’s Rawdon Turner in St Peter in this month’s by-election

Browne indicated that contrary to what Wehner says, he engaged in practices while he was the questionable defense force, including displacing 90 workers.


  1. Stone

    .. And what about you, Mr. Brown how about telling us of many of the wrong that you have done before and during your time in office.. mmmm???

  2. Faithful national #1

    Stone, why don’t YOU tell us! Since you know of allegeded transgressions of the PM and since you imply that the PM is reticent about revealing such., then tell us the ignorant public what you KNOW. You guys are really sickening!

    • Donna

      Faithful National #1, Since you’re defending PM Browne, then you tell us Mr. Browne time as a bank manager?
      Everyone has a past a with some ugly bitter skeletons. Mr Browne is not a saints and he too has some ugly skeletons hidden of his past life.
      Browne needs to focus on running the country and make living in Antigua and Barbuda better place for everyone, citizens, non-citizens and visitors. Don’t wait until election to give us some make shift roads poorly constructed and no proper road drainage. We need better healthcare system, water supply, infrastructure, etc…


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