Three teenage girls in the Cayman islands left their home for school last week Thursday and have not returned since, leaving their parents frantic and police on a manhunt.
The girl’s names are Jasmine Ebanks, age 14 Mackailia Cunningham, age 12, and Austina Williams, age 13
Ebanks was last seen wearing her John Gray High School uniform and is described as 5ft 4 inches tall, dark complexion, and medium built.
Both Mackailia Cunningham, age 12, and Austina Williams, were also last seen in their uniforms and did not return home on the school bus as expected.
Mackailia is described as having dark skin, a medium built, and dreadlocked hair. Austina is described as having dark skin, a medium build with long braided hair.
Officers are encouraging Jasmine, Mackailia, and Austina to return home or attend the nearest police station immediately.