Editorial Staff
12/01/23 17:04

Editorial Staff
12/01/23 17:04

WATCH: Asot Michael demands all his “expletive” money from CUB

The independent candidate for St Peter Asot Michael walked into the Caribbean Union Bank Tuesday, clearly irate, demanding all his money from the financial institution.

He used expletives, repeatedly, telling the Banks management that wants all his family accounts closed.

Moments after Micheal told an interview with George Wehner outside the bank that the financial institution continued to maliciously bounce his checks.


  1. Anonymous

    Really! This is the representation that the people want???? Shaking my head. Gross public misconduct!!!! Let us see how the spin doctors will justify this display.

    • Anonymous

      What an interesting time to be alive

      • Brenda Bique

        Need to give the man his money give him his money what kind of bank is that that have no money really he making a point he is right so give the money

  2. Voter

    They have built nothing, created nothing! When you elect such leaders, do not be shocked when they cannot build or maintain roads, hospitals, schools and provide drinking water to the population! These leaders do not seek public office to improve people’s lives; they seek office to enrich themselves, their families, and their friends. It’s the never-ending story of the developing world, stuck with underperforming leaders! The sad state of Antigua! Better days may be behind you if you do not choose wisely on January 18! Power corrupts; vote for them out!


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